Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How often can a client receive food?

Answer: TWO times each month

Question: Why does the pantry occasionally give away food past the date on the package?

Answer: Some of the food that we give away is either “close-to” or “past” the dates printed on the package. Nowadays, ALMOST all dates on food packages are “BEST BY DATE’ – which does not mean that the food is bad or spoiled after the date. This food can SAFELY be consumed well past the dates on the package. There are a few exceptions to this such as baby food. Milk and SOME dairy products are generally good for five days past date. FROZEN FOOD can last indefinitely PAST the date on the package as long as it has always been frozen. We do our VERY best to keep an eye on the dates of items we distribute – but we distribute almost 2 million pounds of food each year. So occasionally something might be missed – please offer us grace and just offer it to someone else or throw it away if you are uncomfortable with the date.

Question: Do you deliver?

Answer: No. Since we are ALL volunteers – we don’t have enough manpower to offer delivery.

Question: Can someone pickup food for me?

Answer: YES!  We have a PROXY form that you will need to have completed by both YOU (as the recipient of the food) and your PROXY (who is the one picking up food for you).  Bring this completed form when you check in at your next visit.  You do not have to be present in the vehicle to have your “PROXY” pick up food for you.  However, the PROXY will be asked to see proof of their name so we can make sure it matches the form we will keep on file.   This form can be found on our website here

Question: What can a client do if they don’t want some of the food offered by pantry?

Answer: WHILE YOU ARE GETTING LOADED at the pantry, PLEASE tell us that you don’t want certain items (like canned goods, or milk, or eggs, etc).  We will keep those unwanted items – this helps us keep our expenses down! If you get home and find things that you don’t want – feel free to share with others – BUT PLEASE DON’T THROW away food!   There are multiple blessing boxes around Hancock County that you can take unwanted food to.

Question: If I come early and wait in line before the pantry opens, will I get MORE food?

Answer: No. All clients are offered the same options regardless of when you arrive. Arriving early doesn’t mean you get MORE or better options. It is actually MUCH BETTER for us if you arrive ANYTIME during our client hours rather than VERY EARLY – and YOUR wait will be much less if you arrive a little after we open!  

Question: Will the Pantry ever offer ‘shopping’ inside the Pantry as was offered prior to Covid/March 2020?

Answer: At this time, there are NO plans to go back to an in-house shopping experience for clients.   Due to our extremely HIGH number of clients we are serving, it would be nearly impossible to offer that option again.   We feel that by offering a ‘shopping list’ of items with our drive-thru style, a mostly ‘customized’ shopping experience is still provided. 

Question: Does the pantry give out the same items on each visit?

Answer: No, there are some basic items we give out at each visit (like canned and dry goods, toilet paper) but each shift creates a ‘shopping list’ of items that are available on that shift.  Clients choose what they want – and their selections are added to the basic items.  We have a limited budget so we try to make our $$ stretch and some items may not be available all the time. 

Question: How do I volunteer?

Answer: Please click HERE to be directed to our volunteer information request.  Complete the form and submit.  Once a month these requests are combined and an email response will be sent to all inquiries with any volunteer opportunities we may have.

Food Donation FAQs

Question: How can food be donated to your pantry?   How and When?

Answer: We have a large deck box sitting in front of our pantry.  SHELF-STABLE food items can be dropped off in this box 24/7! If you have perishable items to donate, please bring them on Mondays 8am-10am – or any of our client serving shift hours.

Question: Would the Food Pantry PREFER donations of food items OR cash?

Answer: Because of the purchasing power we have with our relationship at Gleaner’s Food Bank, we are able to purchase food items at below-retail or VERY-below-retail prices.  Therefore, a donation of cash will provide MORE food for our pantry.   But we understand some folks enjoy donating food items to us – and we gladly accept those food donations anytime!

Question: Does the government provide funding for the Pantry?

Answer: No, unless we apply for a grant, we get no regular funding from the Government.

Question: Where does the Food Pantry receive its money to purchase food and pay for facility expenses?

Answer: All of our funds are donated and come from these groups:  Private individuals;  grants from foundations or businesses;  Churches and Community Clubs;  etc.